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Content Sponsor - Benefits

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Sign Up AsiaTimber.net's goal is to promote and facilitate timber trade to the global market through the provision of a centralised and neutral internet platform and allowing the trader to conduct 100% paperless transaction online.

In order to promote information exchange within the industry by taking advantage of the

low cost of internet technology and to furnish the online timber community with a broad range of information, we welcome timber association, trade organizations, government agencies, corporations, institutions, research centres, magazines, publications and individual to join in as "Content Sponsor" member, and enjoying the benefits to network and endorse relationship within the online timber community.  

Content Sponsor can participate in the following activities. 

  1. Industry News - Post my timber news or third party industry news
  2. Press Room - Post my press release, featured stories and product development announcement
  3. Opinion / Discussion Board - Post an industry issue for discussion and comment
  4. Events Calendar - Post and update my events, trade show, seminar, conference, exhibition events
  5. Job Centre - Post my job vacancy online and browse job seeker resume
  6. Post investment opportunity and trade leads to business message board
  7. Add an industry link to information centre
  8. Add a publication of interest to information centre
  9. Add an article of interest to information centre
  10. Add an utility to information centre
  11. View classified posting made by trader member
  12. Interact and network with other member

  13. Please note that the information and contents are posted directly by Content Sponsor on AsiaTimber.net and are entirely their responsibility. AsiaTimber.net, however, reserves the right to remove any posting at its discretion.

    To be a "Content Sponsor" simply fill in an application form for our processing.(All information will be held in private and strict confidence). We will then review your application as part of our screening process, ensuring only quality Content Sponsors are admitted. Once we have verified your organization information, we will notify you via e-mail within two business days.


AsiaTimber.net would like to thank the following organizations for becoming its "Content Sponsor" as well as the support and content they provided on the website:

Sabah Timber Industries Association (Malaysia)

Kerala Forest Research Institute (India)

China National Forest Product Industry Association (China)

China National Forestry Machinery Association (China)

International Trade Institute of Singapore (Singapore)

European Economic Service (Germany)

Raute Wood (Finland)

Forest Engineering (United States)

(United States)

Japan Lumber Journal (Japan)

Leonard Guss Associates Inc. (United States)

3LOG Systems Inc. (Canada)

Perceptron, Inc. (United States)

Forest Research Institute Malaysia (Malaysia)

School of International Tropical Forestry (Malaysia)


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